Friday, September 24, 2010

If you're going to do a very special episode, you should do it like this...

The good people over at Ultrasonic Remote have a post on a less-than-special special episode of Without a Trace. For the sake of balance, here's an episode WKRP -- a show that knew how to pull this sort of thing off.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is the first episode that I recall portraying Venus as something more than a jive-talking ladies' man. The folks over at "That's My Mama" never got this note.

    This episode strikes a good balance. It is not histrionic and people manage to stay in character, get laughs and make a point. The most amazing thing is that no beliefs or institutions are ridiculed.

  3. "The most amazing thing is that no beliefs or institutions are ridiculed."

    This was particularly true with the episodes dealing with religion (unfortunately not available on Hulu). I can't think of any show that handled it better.

